Published paper: Jalote-Parmar, A, Hara, D.T, Guldbransoy, I, Woodhouse, A, & Hara, K.W (2023). Multistakeholder Service Design Framework for Design of Patient Care Pathways - A case of joint management of pain patients in the health, labour and welfare services in Norway. ServDes 2023, Linköping University Electronic Press 11-14/July Rio de Janeiro. (In press)

Subject:          Design 6 - Future
Year:                2022
Co.:                  Dag Takuro Hara, Ashis Jalote-Parmar, Karen Hara & Astrid Woodhouse.
Long term pain is the cause for many becoming long term sick and disabled. As much as 30% of Norwegians are suffering from this type of pain and the number seems to slowly rise (Nilsen 2018). Experiencing pain as intrusive over a long period of time can make the condition complex because it affects both the physical, mental and social function of the person. In these instances there is a strong need for crossdiciplinary work between doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, psychologists and other health professions to better the condition of the patients (Ljoså 2022).

The innovation project (NFR) is an initiative by the Norwegian Directorate of Health given to the Research Council of Norway. The intention is to improve crossdiciplinary and cross-sectoral cooperation between primary health care, the Pain Centre at St. Olavs Hospital, and NAV, in dealing with long term and complex pain patients. The project was presented to us by Karen Walseth Hara who is an Associate Professor at ISM NTNU and works for both St. Olavs hospital and NAV. This project was supervised by Ashis Jalote Parmar PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of Design, NTNU.
Through multi-stakeholder service design our objective is to improve cross-disciplinary workflow, securing an efficient, coherent, and coordinated journey equal for all patients, that increases user participation and satisfaction.
The main load of the project was to collect information, synthesize and analyze on the current situation. No one has ever created a user journey for long term pain patients that combines the journey they are going through at both the hospital, NAV, and General Practitioner. Underneath you can see the user study plan which shows all stakeholders involved and how many we interviewed.
We made the interviews informal and interactive through mapping the journey of the interview object on a big sheet of paper with post-its. Depending on whether the object was a patient or employee we adjusted the questions a bit and iterated on the interview method along the process. At the end of the project we held a focus group to confirm and discuss the insights and solutions, and to give feedback on relevance and feasibility on the project.

We were pleased to hold a digital guest lecture in multi-stakeholder service design for the course PD6009 Tjenestedesign for arbeidslivet that Ashis is coordinating. 
Writing down key findings after interview
Lecture in multi-stakeholder service design
Focus group
Our delivery was a report containing six as-is user journeys, a service design blueprint, and five strategic solutions. This is a solid basis for the continuation of the Innovation Project (NFR) to further develop a better service for long term pain patients. Here are some of the deliverables:
My role
Working in a team of two we did a lot of the work together and had a great dynamic. As the project involved a lot of interviews it required coordination which I took lead on. During the interviews Dag did most of the talking, while I wrote down notes and asked the user additional questions. 
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